Regular maintenance should be carried out to achieve maximum life expectancy from electrical items and prevent any unnecessary breakdowns/downtime. In additional you can ensure that work health and safety obligations are achieved.
Various items in the work place that require regular servicing and testing are:
- Test & Tagging of equipment and appliances
- Exit & Emergency Lighting
- Electrical Inspections of switchboards and electrical fittings
- Smoke Alarms
- Air Conditioning
- Lux Levels Maintained (lighting)
Remembering what and when items are due for inspections can be confusing and an unwanted hassle on business, though we can handle this all for you. From a courtesy phone, text, email or default booking whichever you prefer. It is all part of our 5 Star Promise for a reliable and quality service!
For business’s that enter in to a service contract for schedule maintenance we provide discounted rates. Contracts can be catered depending on a client’s needs.
The specialists for maintenance, breakdown and upgrade for variety type of industries for over 30 years, a sample includes
- Nursing Home / Ages Care Facilities
- Pubs / Clubs / Hotels
- Caravan ParksH
- Hair Dressers
- Government Departments
- Trade Supplies
- Warrenty Agents
- Mining Resources
- Farm Equipment / Mango Packing
- School / Universities
- Medical Facilities (GP, Vets)
- Shopping Centre’s
- Butchers
- Maintenance Companies
- Hire Equipment
- Apartment Buildings
- Marine
- & Much More……